Is Android 17 Human in Dragon Ball Super?

In the captivating realm of Dragon Ball Super, the distinction between humans and androids isn’t always as clear-cut as one might assume. Android 17, a character who has intrigued fans since his debut, raises the question: Is Android 17 truly a human in Dragon Ball Super, or is he something more? This article is managed by

Unveiling the Enigma: Android 17’s Origins

Android 17’s origins trace back to the nefarious Dr. Gero, a brilliant yet malevolent scientist with an affinity for artificial lifeforms. Dr. Gero sought to create immensely powerful androids capable of decimating Earth’s mightiest warriors. Android 17, along with his twin sister Android 18, was brought into existence as part of this ambitious endeavor. Discover the dragon ball games for android.

The Human Element: Android 17’s Transformation

Initially, Android 17 was indeed a human being before his transformation. This fact adds layers of complexity to his character. Dr. Gero’s experimentation involved converting humans into androids, augmenting their physical attributes and imbuing them with unprecedented power. Android 17’s past as a human injects empathy and relatability into his character, blurring the lines between humanity and artificiality.

The Essence of Humanity: Does Android 17 Retain It?

Amidst the battles, alliances, and moral dilemmas that unfold in Dragon Ball Super, Android 17’s humanity remains a central theme. Despite his cybernetic enhancements, he exhibits traits that define humanity, such as compassion, selflessness, and a deep connection with nature. These attributes challenge the conventional notion of what it means to be human.

Guardian of Nature: Android 17’s Unique Role

In a surprising turn of events, Android 17 embraces his role as a protector of wildlife. His commitment to preserving the environment and safeguarding endangered species showcases a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life forms. This unexpected dimension further blurs the line between his artificial origins and his human-like convictions.

The Power Within: Android 17’s Strength and Growth

One cannot discuss Android 17 without acknowledging his exceptional power. His battle prowess rivals that of the most formidable warriors in the Dragon Ball universe. This prompts the question: Can an android truly possess such raw strength, or does Android 17’s power reflect his inherent humanity?

The Paradox of Strength and Sentience

Android 17’s journey from human to android raises thought-provoking questions about the relationship between strength and sentience. His evolution showcases that strength doesn’t negate the capacity for consciousness, morality, and genuine emotion. This paradox challenges the boundaries between humans and artificial beings.

Bonds Beyond Circuits: Android 17’s Relationships

Android 17’s interactions with other characters provide insight into his humanity. His camaraderie with Z Fighters, especially his twin sister Android 18 and Krillin, underscores his capacity for genuine connections. These relationships transcend his artificial nature, illustrating that emotions and camaraderie aren’t exclusive to humans alone.

Android 17’s Identity and Autonomy

The underlying question persists: Does Android 17 possess autonomy over its existence? His decisions, emotions, and alliances suggest that he does. This autonomy aligns with the essence of humanity, as it embodies the ability to shape one’s destiny and forge meaningful relationships.


In the captivating saga of Dragon Ball Super, Android 17’s character challenges preconceived notions about humanity and artificiality. His journey from a human to an android and his subsequent growth raise compelling questions about the essence of being human. Android 17 proves that identity, strength, relationships, and autonomy transcend the confines of circuitry, reminding us that humanity’s definition extends beyond flesh and blood.


  1. Can Android 17 experience emotions like humans do?

Absolutely. Android 17 displays a range of emotions throughout the series, proving that emotions aren’t exclusive to humans.

  1. How did Android 17 become so powerful?

Dr. Gero’s technological enhancements boosted Android 17’s power exponentially, allowing him to compete with the mightiest warriors.

  1. Does Android 17 ever regret his transformation?

While he acknowledges his past, Android 17 doesn’t dwell on regrets. He focuses on his current path and responsibilities.

  1. Could Android 17’s choices be influenced by his human memories?

It’s possible. Android 17’s transformation didn’t erase his memories, which might impact his choices and values.

  1. How does Android 17 view his relationship with his twin sister, Android 18?

Android 17’s relationship with Android 18 is a cornerstone of his humanity. Their bond reflects shared experiences and emotions.

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Henry Dawson

Henry Dawson is a versatile writer with a passion for exploring various subjects. From technology trends to travel experiences, he delves into a multitude of topics on his multi-niche blog. With a knack for storytelling and a curiosity that knows no bounds, Henry captivates readers with his diverse range of content.